Our factory is located in Valencia - Spain; we develop and manufacture all of our products. Therefore, our strongest global presence is focused on Europe. In any case, day by day more distributors from different countries and continents find in FullDip® the best peelable paint on the market. For quality, price and service.

We have our own R+D Department with which we not only guarantee the best support and attention, but also our evolution is constant working and designing always under continuous improvement. Furthermore, our production system is based on the Lean Manufacturing method, which is always present in all our processes. All of our professional and personal experience has resulted in FullDip®.

Currently FullDip® is present in practically all the Continents, and especially established in Europe, the United Arab Emirates and the Countries of the North of Europe.

  • If you are interested in distributing our products do not hesitate to contact us:
    • FullDip® Factory | Carretera de la Base 7 – Marines 46163 Valencia - Spain.
    • Mail: albert@fulldip.com
    • Phone Number: +34 96 0649838

Our stores

Here are the details of our stores, feel free to contact us: